In general all classes are built up around 6 focus points: Musicality, History & Culture, Moves, Rhythm, Community and Movement Concepts.
Below is a description of the SwingShoes’ regular Lindy Hop class levels.
Lindy 1
In Lindy 1, students are introduced to the fundamental movements and rhythms of Lindy Hop. Emphasis is placed on understanding musicality through simple breaks and reacting to changes in the music. Students will learn essential moves such as the swing out, the circle, and promenade. The focus is on establishing a strong foundation in personal groove, basic steps and partner connection.
Lindy 2
In Lindy 2, students will build on their Lindy 1 foundations by learning more about the structure of the music, particularly the AABA format typical to swing music. The class explores the concept of call and response, deepening the dancers’ ability to connect their movements with the music. Students will continue building on their vocabulary of moves by learning tuck turns, pass bys and to break away.
Lindy 3
In Lindy 3, students learn to adapt their dancing to different moods and energy levels within a song. There is an emphasis on individual body movement, particularly how a strong basic rhythm will enhance the partner connection. The curriculum also includes mixing 6 and 8 count steps, and adding flavour to the dance with swivels and swing out variations.
Lindy 4
In Lindy 4, students are introduced to Charleston with a focus on 30s Charleston kicks and moves like the hand-to-hand. The new rhythm is integrated into the Lindy Hop repertoire, allowing dancers more ways of interpreting and dancing to the music. The level also explores musicality and encourages dancers to have a playful approach to dancing.
Lindy 5 + 6
In Lindy 5 and 6 students will build on their fundamental knowledge of the dance. There is not a set curriculum for these levels. Instead teachers will choose a topic of interest to share with the students.
Lindy 7 + 8
In Lindy 7 and 8 students will build on their extensive knowledge of the dance. There is not a set curriculum for these levels. Instead teachers will choose a topic of interest to share with the students.